Wednesday, March 14, 2007

By: Adam Robertson
3/13/2007 4:00:00 PM GMT

There are two theories regarding how did WTC 7 collapse, part of September 11 attacks that hit the United Sates six years ago and changed the political map of the entire world and the U.S. foreign policies in the Middle East.

Anthony's comment: The significance of this story is that, hitherto,it has been reported only on alternative news websites on the net, most notably alex jones' prison

Now it's being reported by a "mainstream" news organisation.

That the BBC and NBC were reporting the collapse of WTC& more than twenty minutes before it took place when the collapse of a high rise building due to fire is unprecedented in the history of modern civilization also suggests that they, or whoever was feeding them with this BS, had some insider knowledge as to the true causes of the bulding's collapse.

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