Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Patriotgirl says

Some last notes:

Now our very Special Prosecutor has left all his ducks in a row. Gerbil has only 4 options for pardoning Scooter.

1) If he pardons Libby now it will look awfully bad for himself & Cheney.

2) If he waits until the appeal process is over, he will put the '08 election in jeopardy for his party.

3) If he waits until Jan '09, when he leaves office, Scooter may have to serve a short sentance.

4) Or he could not pardon Libby at all, and let him rot in jail.

If he does one of the first 2, he will be driving himself & Cheney (most likely with the help of the Republican party) towards the impeachment scenario.

If he does either of the latter two, he risks Libby squealing to get a reduced sentence, thereby implicating the Prez & Veep.

Fitzgerald has closed Gerbil in at all sides. How sweet it is. In the meantime, Ms Plame & Mr Wilson will have their day in court, and Oh, what a fun time that will be!

1 comment:

teak said...

Juror calls on Bush to pardon Libby
Ex-Cheney aide was ‘really nice guy’ who was ‘caught in the initial lie’

Now this is the real sham, Anthony. Apparently the jurors haven't taken the time to look up any facts they could have about the case. How sad.

The American people haven't known the truth for the last century in some cases. Truth is ugly, but it still it must be told or else true justice cannot be served. The same people keep coming back into power.